12 Sep

Are you a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) in India? Do you find it challenging to attract new investors to your portfolio? Don't worry, You're not alone! Many MFDs face this struggle in a country where people prefer to keep their money in savings accounts rather than invest it. 

The Struggle to Attract New Investors

It's no secret that most people want to avoid risks when dealing with their finances. Their preference for the safety net of savings A/c results in stagnant Assets Under Management (AUM) for MFDs, affecting their growth potential. What if we tell you REDVision Technologies has a solution to help you overcome this stillness and grow your Assets Under Management (AUM)?

Online ATM: A Growth Opportunity for MFDs

Online ATM is a revolutionary feature offered by the leading Mutual Fund Software in India, Wealth Elite. This feature allows MFDs to attract new investors with a unique opportunity to park their idle money in liquid funds and gain better returns. With Online ATM, you can tap into the 65% of income that Indians typically save and redirect that income toward mutual fund investments.

How Online ATM Helps MFDs Attract New Investors

Park Idle Money in Liquid Funds

Online ATM allow investors to park their idle funds in liquid mutual funds offered by the nation's leading asset management companies. These funds deliver low risk and high liquidity, providing a compelling alternative to the traditional savings account.

Almost Double Returns Than Savings

Here's the best part - liquid funds, where investors can park their idle money, often provide nearly double returns than regular savings accounts. It's a win-win for investors as they get higher returns without compromising liquidity.

Instant Redemption for Emergencies

Are you worried about not having access to your money in case of emergencies? With Online ATM, investors can enjoy instant redemption, ensuring their funds are readily available whenever needed.

A Win-Win Situation for MFDs and Investors

Now, let's talk about how this feature benefits MFDs in India. By leveraging Online ATM, you can attract new clients to the mutual fund industry and significantly increase your AUM. The combination of liquidity and fixed deposit-like returns makes liquid funds an attractive option for investors that might keep them interested in the long run. Recommending better funds to investors who don't redeem their funds strengthens their investment portfolio and helps MFDs grow their AUM.

The Power of Online ATM for MFDs in India

With Online ATM, MFDs in India can turn new investors into long-term clients. Offering them a secure and profitable investment option can build trust and establish strong relationships. Acquiring a large client base and AUM for liquid funds can help you negotiate better brokerage terms with Asset Management Companies (AMCs) and increase your revenue.


If you're an MFD struggling to attract new investors in India, Online ATM is the revolution you've been waiting for. With its ability to tap into the vast savings of Indians and redirect them towards mutual fund investments, this feature can help you grow your AUM significantly. Don't delay! Use Wealth Elite's Online ATM today and watch your MFD business thrive!

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